The only thing that I forgot to do before going down the aisle, take my engagement ring and put it on the other hand. My rings were backwards for the entire day, I didn’t even realize it until later that night.
I also remember not being nervous at all. Everybody could not believe how calm I was. As I walked through the door to head down the “aisle” my cousin asked me “nervous now?” My reply “Nope.” I never understood the whole getting nervous part of a wedding. I don’t mind being up in front of large groups at all and I felt like if I was nervous than I wasn’t completely comfortable in who I was getting married too and shouldn’t be there. My husband even that morning was saying the same thing, that he was not nervous. He also is very comfortable in front of large groups of people and agreed that if he was nervous than he should never have proposed.
I remember him saying his vows his voice had gotten shaky at that point and he seemed almost nervous as he said them. I looked him in the eye with what I can only remember as a huge goofy grin on my face. Loving the words that he was saying to me promising to Love, Honor, and Cherish me until death do us part. I remember the “butterflies”’ in my stomach as I said my vows to
After that the rest of the ceremony was kind of fast and I don’t remember much. Accept: I know pronounce you husband and wife and we could walk down the aisle together. We got to the back and he swooped me up in a huge hug of relief and I looked at him as said we are married we did it.
We Did It! We are married!
I love going over those vows in my head (and looking at my rings as a reminder…not that I need one but I love what it symbolizes to other people.) still to this day happy that we memorized them. I hate how lightly people take those words when they vow them to another person. (8and the two will become one flesh.'a]">[a] So they are no longer two, but one. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Mark 10:8-9) I think that today’s idea of marriage and what God intended it to be has become so warped and disgusting. I am super excited to see what adventures lie ahead in the next 50, 60, maybe even 70 something years for David and me and I could never imagine even for a moment breaking the vow I made to him and God on June 20, 2009 in front of our family and friends.
A picture out on the front porch of the people house where we got married. We are looking all tired out and ready for a nap.
One of my favorite pictures from that day. Flip Flops and all!
My husband loves old barns and the people who house we got married at were going to tear it down. We convince them not to and got some amazing pictures from it. This being one of my favorites with the barn in the background.
We had our own vows, but we didn't memorize them, we just read them from a piece of paper. I get so nervous in front of people I would have stammered and forgotten everything. Love your pictures. Congratulations, I noticed you just had your first anniversary. Blessings.