I know I skipped yesterdays post I had an awful migraine and couldn't muster up the energy to type out a post.
February 6,2008 the first time my now hubby and I "hung out"

February 4,2009 the day he was going to propose to me

February 5,2009 He proposed to me.
Well he tried to do it on the exactly a year but I messed that one up. We were at winter carnival a huge deal for the college up here. It is an all nighter (always the wed night of winter carnival week) and the different groups on campus have to finish building their snow statue to be judged the following day. There are many other activities going on around campus also. Movies and video games being played on a screen made of ice and snow, huge speakers made of snow, mini golf and much much more. It is a blast if you can stand the cold.

Speakers in the snow
Anyways David had been asking me to take him out ice skating it had been years since he had gone and he had very recently gone out and found and bought a pair of skates in his size.
Well about three weeks before this he told me he had bought me something but he wasn't going to tell me what it was. I was allowed to ask one question a day. That only lasted 3 days I was no longer allowed to ask questions. I had a tiny idea of what it was and with the answers I had gotten I was even more sure. I thought it was happening at Christmas so was a little bummed out at this point hoping that he was not going to do it on Valentines day. To me it would have SCREAMED tacky and I proly woulda said no and made him ask me after midnight or sometime the following day or said I dont know and waited till the following day to ansewer. He also knew this though I wasnt so sure thinking he might do it as a joke also though. Back to the story though. He had asked my dad to lunch after I had asked my questions so I basically knew what was coming it was just a matter of WHEN!

My Present that I was trying to guess what it was!
He kept bugging me to go and teach him to skate while we were at Winter Carnival and I refused. I didn't have my skates was my first excuse...very legit I didn't. Well he had grabbed them. I really didn't want to leave Winter Carnival. Its not the type of thing that you leave to go learn how to skate. I told him I had the next two days off of work and that we would go then. He did not like that idea at all so got very upset with me (clueless at this point as to what was going on I hadn't put the two together yet). So I told him to just take me home because if he wasn't having fun I wasn't going to either. So we wandered back through one of the buildings and found a couple of chairs and sat an talked and he calmed down a bit but would still not tell me why he wanted to go skating soooo bad.

A snow statue

Some of the detail they use is amaing. The sign says Broadway in ice if you can't read it and the poles are street lamps. Pretty amazing what you can do with a little snow and ice.
Well he took me home at 1am and I didn't heard from him the next day. Until about 6pm. This was a Thursday night and the usual Thursday night for us was date night. The night during the week that we said no matter what we will hang out for a bit so no matter how busy our lives got, we had us time. Well he texted to see if I wanted to do the usual Applebees 1/2off appetizers. I was just happy to hear from him hoping he wasn't really that mad at me. So we went out at 8 for dinner. After he asked me if I wanted to go skating. So I said sure if you are this insistent that we do it in the middle of the night in the freezing Upper Peninsula weather lets go and get this over with.

So after dinner he asked where I wanted to go skating and I told him the closest place I could think of. A skating rink where a year earlier we had played broom ball with some of his broom ball team. As skating rink where while playing broom ball with him and his friends I had broken my wrist and got right back up to play not knowing that I had broken it until a year later when I went to the doc and mentioned some pain. A night that when I left the house with him (the first time my parents and him formally met, before were even dating still) my mothers words to him were "if you bring her back injured you will never be able to see her again."(my mom to this days says that when I came home with a brace on my wrist she knew we were getting married some day.)
So we make it to the rink and surprisingly not a sole is on the ice or in the parking lot. Which is very strange because the ice is usually packed until midnight when you are "officially" supposed to be off it by. So we get out go into the hut and put our skates on and we cant find the lights for the ice o great. I was thinking another night we are going to have to come all the way back out here. We ended up finding them and going out on the ice. I am in layer upon layer upon layer of clothing to keep warm an he had on and Under armor cold gear shirt with a t shirt and that's it. So we skated around a bit and it didn't take long for him to catch on.

He skated over to me in the middle of the ice and said lets go I'm freezing and of course I said "well you are the one who wanted to come out here in the middle of the night (like10pm) and you aren't even wearing the proper clothing." To which his response was well there's one more thing before we go. So in his skates, mind you he still isn't the greatest after 15mins on them, he gets down on one knee and I started freaking out. He finally looked at me and said shut up so I can asked you then you can freak out. So he asked and said all the cute proposal stuff and of course I said YES! Then he gave me the ring in the box and said it probably wont fit but you can try it. So I tried and it did. He was sooo happy:)
30seconds later the park flooded with people that were coming to play hockey. Some of them we even knew. We wanted to tell our families first so said nothing to them. It was a nice romantic proposal. God kept everyone away long enough for us to have our moment together.
As we left the parking lot he looked at me and said "now do you know why I wanted to come out here last night." I still feel bad that I messed it up. It didn't change the fact that we still got engaged and married though:) Thank goodness!
There are many stories behind the ring and and how he got it. I will save that for another time. I will say this however...He picked it out all on his own. I never once showed him or told him anything about a ring that I would like or that was "my style". He did an AMAZING job. It is perfectly me. I love(d) it. I still like to look at it all the time and think back to that night and all the chaos it took in those two days to get to the actual proposal.

Our Engagement Photo. My mom took them for us at a favorite place of ours to go out and hike.