Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Its been a long time!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
To Love, Honor and Cherish Forever and Always

The only thing that I forgot to do before going down the aisle, take my engagement ring and put it on the other hand. My rings were backwards for the entire day, I didn’t even realize it until later that night.
I also remember not being nervous at all. Everybody could not believe how calm I was. As I walked through the door to head down the “aisle” my cousin asked me “nervous now?” My reply “Nope.” I never understood the whole getting nervous part of a wedding. I don’t mind being up in front of large groups at all and I felt like if I was nervous than I wasn’t completely comfortable in who I was getting married too and shouldn’t be there. My husband even that morning was saying the same thing, that he was not nervous. He also is very comfortable in front of large groups of people and agreed that if he was nervous than he should never have proposed.
I remember him saying his vows his voice had gotten shaky at that point and he seemed almost nervous as he said them. I looked him in the eye with what I can only remember as a huge goofy grin on my face. Loving the words that he was saying to me promising to Love, Honor, and Cherish me until death do us part. I remember the “butterflies”’ in my stomach as I said my vows to
After that the rest of the ceremony was kind of fast and I don’t remember much. Accept: I know pronounce you husband and wife and we could walk down the aisle together. We got to the back and he swooped me up in a huge hug of relief and I looked at him as said we are married we did it.
We Did It! We are married!
I love going over those vows in my head (and looking at my rings as a reminder…not that I need one but I love what it symbolizes to other people.) still to this day happy that we memorized them. I hate how lightly people take those words when they vow them to another person. (8and the two will become one flesh.'a]">[a] So they are no longer two, but one. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate. Mark 10:8-9) I think that today’s idea of marriage and what God intended it to be has become so warped and disgusting. I am super excited to see what adventures lie ahead in the next 50, 60, maybe even 70 something years for David and me and I could never imagine even for a moment breaking the vow I made to him and God on June 20, 2009 in front of our family and friends.
A picture out on the front porch of the people house where we got married. We are looking all tired out and ready for a nap.
One of my favorite pictures from that day. Flip Flops and all!
My husband loves old barns and the people who house we got married at were going to tear it down. We convince them not to and got some amazing pictures from it. This being one of my favorites with the barn in the background.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Of course the first year is never easy. I wouldn't trade it for anything though. We have a friend who was married not to long after us who after only a few months of being married he got fed up and walked out on her. They thought that it was going to be like in the movie everything is always ok and hunky dory. That same friend was talking to me the other day and told me that she thought we were the perfect couple and we were sooo lucky to have each other. That is the thing that you would normally long to here. That another couple thinks that you two are the "perfect couple". I don't think that in this case it was a good thing to be hearing though. I told this friend thank you but that it was a far from true statement. I went on to talk with her about how we had our fair share of arguments and one or the other of us storming out but that we still loved each other and that leaving each other is not an option. Especially not over stupid little stuff that a year later I don't really remember any of it so it wasn't that important.
Our first little apartment.
When I was done talking I got to thinking about a blog that I read about a month ago and it talked about building our husbands up. Then I started thinking you know David could have left me just like this man had done to his wife. This friend didn't go out and cheat and they were still married. But he was living separate life of his own. He wasn't there to support his wife and work things out. That could have been me but I married a man who is committed to our marriage no matter what and he loves me more than any stupid ol' argument. On this 1st anniversary I want to thank David for not giving up and toughing it for the first year. I make it sound like all we did was argue. Far from it. We have plenty more great memories to take away from the first year and like I said before I cant think of a single argument that I can remember what it was about.
So thank you David for all that you have done in supporting me, our marriage, thank you for all the hard work that you do, for putting up with my stubbornness, and what you call OCD with many many things that I do (just my little quirks that make me,me), and for all the great memories in our first year of marriage together.
I Love You and I Look Forward to Many Many Many more years of being Married to You!

Friday, June 18, 2010
February 6,2008 the first time my now hubby and I "hung out"

February 4,2009 the day he was going to propose to me
February 5,2009 He proposed to me.
Well he tried to do it on the exactly a year but I messed that one up. We were at winter carnival a huge deal for the college up here. It is an all nighter (always the wed night of winter carnival week) and the different groups on campus have to finish building their snow statue to be judged the following day. There are many other activities going on around campus also. Movies and video games being played on a screen made of ice and snow, huge speakers made of snow, mini golf and much much more. It is a blast if you can stand the cold.
Speakers in the snow
Anyways David had been asking me to take him out ice skating it had been years since he had gone and he had very recently gone out and found and bought a pair of skates in his size.
Well about three weeks before this he told me he had bought me something but he wasn't going to tell me what it was. I was allowed to ask one question a day. That only lasted 3 days I was no longer allowed to ask questions. I had a tiny idea of what it was and with the answers I had gotten I was even more sure. I thought it was happening at Christmas so was a little bummed out at this point hoping that he was not going to do it on Valentines day. To me it would have SCREAMED tacky and I proly woulda said no and made him ask me after midnight or sometime the following day or said I dont know and waited till the following day to ansewer. He also knew this though I wasnt so sure thinking he might do it as a joke also though. Back to the story though. He had asked my dad to lunch after I had asked my questions so I basically knew what was coming it was just a matter of WHEN!
My Present that I was trying to guess what it was!
He kept bugging me to go and teach him to skate while we were at Winter Carnival and I refused. I didn't have my skates was my first excuse...very legit I didn't. Well he had grabbed them. I really didn't want to leave Winter Carnival. Its not the type of thing that you leave to go learn how to skate. I told him I had the next two days off of work and that we would go then. He did not like that idea at all so got very upset with me (clueless at this point as to what was going on I hadn't put the two together yet). So I told him to just take me home because if he wasn't having fun I wasn't going to either. So we wandered back through one of the buildings and found a couple of chairs and sat an talked and he calmed down a bit but would still not tell me why he wanted to go skating soooo bad.
A snow statue
Some of the detail they use is amaing. The sign says Broadway in ice if you can't read it and the poles are street lamps. Pretty amazing what you can do with a little snow and ice.
Well he took me home at 1am and I didn't heard from him the next day. Until about 6pm. This was a Thursday night and the usual Thursday night for us was date night. The night during the week that we said no matter what we will hang out for a bit so no matter how busy our lives got, we had us time. Well he texted to see if I wanted to do the usual Applebees 1/2off appetizers. I was just happy to hear from him hoping he wasn't really that mad at me. So we went out at 8 for dinner. After he asked me if I wanted to go skating. So I said sure if you are this insistent that we do it in the middle of the night in the freezing Upper Peninsula weather lets go and get this over with.

So after dinner he asked where I wanted to go skating and I told him the closest place I could think of. A skating rink where a year earlier we had played broom ball with some of his broom ball team. As skating rink where while playing broom ball with him and his friends I had broken my wrist and got right back up to play not knowing that I had broken it until a year later when I went to the doc and mentioned some pain. A night that when I left the house with him (the first time my parents and him formally met, before were even dating still) my mothers words to him were "if you bring her back injured you will never be able to see her again."(my mom to this days says that when I came home with a brace on my wrist she knew we were getting married some day.)
So we make it to the rink and surprisingly not a sole is on the ice or in the parking lot. Which is very strange because the ice is usually packed until midnight when you are "officially" supposed to be off it by. So we get out go into the hut and put our skates on and we cant find the lights for the ice o great. I was thinking another night we are going to have to come all the way back out here. We ended up finding them and going out on the ice. I am in layer upon layer upon layer of clothing to keep warm an he had on and Under armor cold gear shirt with a t shirt and that's it. So we skated around a bit and it didn't take long for him to catch on.

He skated over to me in the middle of the ice and said lets go I'm freezing and of course I said "well you are the one who wanted to come out here in the middle of the night (like10pm) and you aren't even wearing the proper clothing." To which his response was well there's one more thing before we go. So in his skates, mind you he still isn't the greatest after 15mins on them, he gets down on one knee and I started freaking out. He finally looked at me and said shut up so I can asked you then you can freak out. So he asked and said all the cute proposal stuff and of course I said YES! Then he gave me the ring in the box and said it probably wont fit but you can try it. So I tried and it did. He was sooo happy:)
30seconds later the park flooded with people that were coming to play hockey. Some of them we even knew. We wanted to tell our families first so said nothing to them. It was a nice romantic proposal. God kept everyone away long enough for us to have our moment together.
As we left the parking lot he looked at me and said "now do you know why I wanted to come out here last night." I still feel bad that I messed it up. It didn't change the fact that we still got engaged and married though:) Thank goodness!
There are many stories behind the ring and and how he got it. I will save that for another time. I will say this however...He picked it out all on his own. I never once showed him or told him anything about a ring that I would like or that was "my style". He did an AMAZING job. It is perfectly me. I love(d) it. I still like to look at it all the time and think back to that night and all the chaos it took in those two days to get to the actual proposal.
Our Engagement Photo. My mom took them for us at a favorite place of ours to go out and hike.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A moment most dont get to experience!
So if you have been reading my posts on the completing him challenge than you know that when David and I first met he was a "baby" christian. He had grown up going to church and remembered being baptized around the age of 12 and he thought that growing up that was enough. Even though he would now tell the story that he only got baptized because other people were and he thought it was the thing to do.
So in the earliest months of our dating it was fun to be able to pull out and search our bibles together. About a month after we began dating he went home for a week for spring break and we would talk for 6 or 7 hours on the phone some nights. I would be looking through concordances and bible dictionaries and just giving him scripture after scripture to help answer questions that he had. It was fun to watch him grow and at the same time I was growing and we were growing in our relationship with each other through Christ.
We talking many times he told me the story of why he had been baptized when he was younger and we talked about him doing it again. Not because it would save him or because he needed to to get to heaven but to do it out of obedience and as a way of letting others know about a decision he had made in his life.
Christmas of 2008 he got baptized at our church in Dollar Bay, MI.

Giving testimony about why he wanted to be baptized.

Trying to figure out how it was going to work. Baptisms aren't made for people who are 6'6"

Under he goes

Back up

Coming back one last comment!
For today's what have we gotten away from since our dating days. Searching through the Bible together. We have our own quiet times and we discuss the bible and sermons or Sunday school occasionally. It used to be a lot more frequent than it is now. My goal is to get back into the word together more often. This was a goal of mine before the I even came across this challenge. I was search for a study for us to do together and found that a book(a sacred marriage) we had received for Christmas had a devotional to go along with it. So I ordered the book and now I am waiting for it to arrive it has been three weeks and was supposed to get here by today so we shall see. I am super excited to start it with David.
And if you are interested in watching it on video here it is! Thanks to a great friend of ours who had her video camera with her that day!
ok...so the video was supposed to go here but after multiple times of trying to upload it I cant get it to work. So its not here.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Summer Days Drifting Away
A fun in the sun kind of day. We went out to somebody's camp and we had a picnic and just basically bummed around on the beach and in the water for the day. It was good fellowship with friends and a very relaxing day. Except for...
We sunk a pedal boat. We were way way way out in the lake and all of a sudden water started leaking in from all sides. It was an adventure to say the least to try and get the boat back in. Definitely a memorable day:)
A sunday afternoon relaxing at the beach.

Watching the horse pulls at the local fair. It is a "family tradition" to watch these every year and eat an elephant ear. My great or great great grandpa used to do horse pulls at the fair and that is why we go to watch. It is also a great time. This was the first year that David got to join us:)
A bonfire at a friends out on the lake. We took hundreds of silly goofy and down right weird but fun pictures this night. This was probably one of the most normal looking ones.
I think that since my husband is still in school we really haven't lost anything in this aspect of our relationship. He is gone for most of this summer but the time we did and still do have we have gone on a few trip had some bonfires already. It is much more relaxed when you aren't having to worry about the busyness and can just take a break. It seems that time together is a very easy thing to loose once you get married. I wish that you could always have a summer break to "recoup" from life.
Monday, June 14, 2010
April 2008: Our First Hiking Trip Ever. There was still 4 feet of snow on the ground in the middle of the forest. Out pants were soaked and we were freezing...But we had a BLAST!
One of my favorite funny photos of David. It doesnt look nearly as funny in the picture but his outfit was HILLARIOUS! After hiking through all the snow (see previous picture) he had changed into sweatpants...he did not however have any other shoes to wear so had to put his hiking boots back on and then to top that off he put on his leather "'Indian Jones" hat. I loved it and caught a quick snap shot of it when we hoped out of the car to look at the ice left on Lake Superior.
An all time favorite photo of us. As you can tell we had a TON of fun!

So David (who is 6'6" told me that the water wasnt to deep here so I could cross. Until I got in and the current almost swept me over a huge waterfall. He ended up pulling me across while I held the stick. I was a very fun situation although at the time it didnt seem so.
We talk so much these days about getting out to do these type of things. We just dont make it the same priority as we did when we were dating. I know my husband would love for me to plan a trip like this instead of relying on him to come up with the idea. So I am going to work on a few fun and adventurous trips that we would both enjoy:) I already had a few surprises up my sleeve:)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
How We Met
David and I met in December of 2007.
Our story actually starts a few months before that though. I had been in a pretty mixed up and not so great relationship (from a Christians stand point) for a year in Nov 2007. That Thanksgiving we went to my parents house to celebrate with my parents. They had invited a few other college age people over who weren't able to go home for the holiday. The day was so much fun but my boyfriend was very uncomfortable through out the day and was quietly to me ridiculing everything that y family had as traditions. He ended up leaving early. So I got to talking with one of the students who was there and he was having a good time and fitting in perfectly.
God had been poking at my heart for awhile to get out of the relationship but I didn't want to listen I had been with this person for a long time and he had helped me come through grandparents passing away my dad retiring from the military after 23 years and many other hard things in life in the year we had been together and he treated me amazingly but he was not a christian and our relationship was not pleasing to God. That day was a huge wake up call to me. We stayed together through the Christmas season and once again he made fun of traditions and said that my family was a little psycho about how much we put Christ into Christmas. He agreed he was the reason for the season but there was other things involved also. I couldn't bring myself to break it off with him during the holiday season though because his family was far away and his job wouldn't allow him to leave long enough to go home. He was also spending Christmas with my family. I knew after the Holidays though that it had to be over.
At the same time David was going through some major life changes also. It was his first semester at Michigan Tech and he was pledging a frat and playing Football. He had gone to church and lived the Christian lifestyle as a young child but his family moved to MI and they had stopped any style or attending church. In his first semester of college a friend from the football team invited him to attend church with him. So in October he began attending Bethany Baptist Church. Around the same time he also had a run in with his RA after a party which started him thinking about not doing the whole party and frat boy scene.
In early December I was asked to do an advent reading for church. He happened to be in attendance that week. During the meet and great time he turned around and leaned over three rows of pews to introduce himself. It was a little strange but there weren't really people in between us so I thought nothing of it. My sister who was home from school for Christmas break thought enough of it though. She started asking me all about it on the way home from church. I told her that there was no way he was interested in me mainly because he is " a college football player" he would NEVER be interested. She insisted that there was an interest though.
Well he went home for Christmas break and the entire time he was searching and he tells it like this "I slowly but surely realized the truth it wasn't just an aha moment like some people have but I realized I needed to make some changes in my life." He had his last underage drink new years that year and he said that the relationship he was in had basically been over for awhile. He didn't break up with her at this point though.
He came back from break and followed me to Sunday school class mainly just to see if he could find out more about me. After class he followed me (me still being oblivious to his interest in me) and began talking to me in the back of the sanctuary. He just asked basic questions about me like where was I from, what was I doing in life at that point. That was that a plain and simple chat. He later that week found me on Facebook and emailed me asking me if I would be attending a church event in two weeks. It was an event for hunters so I really wasn't to interested but I had helped in the past. I had also asked my current bf if he wanted to go. In the end my bf decided not to go and I just was going to stop by and drop food off that my mom and I had made for the event. When I got there they were super short on staff and I was asked to stay and help. David ended up being there with some of his friends. We chatted for a bit and he asked me to come to Winter Carnival on campus. I told him to get a hold of me on Facebook.
I still hadn't broken up with my bf but he didn't want to hang out at winter Carnival with me so I went ahead and told David I would hang out with him and his friends. I had to work the next day (Thursday) so I told him that I could only hang out from like 9pm to midnight. Well needless to say we ended up chatting and hanging out until 5am. At this point though neither of us were really sure of the others relationship status.

A picture from that first winter Carnival
Well after that night I had to break it off with my current bf. I knew that if I could have a connection with somebody else like I had with David that night that it wasn't fair to him. So the following week (not exactly sure when) I broke it off with him. It was a huge relief to me I felt free. David had also broken his relationship off in the midst of all this.
After the winter carnival night David and I emailed a few times on Facebook and ran into each other at hockey games but it wasn't anything formal until a few weeks later. It was around his birthday and I asked him what he wanted for his birthday. All he asked for was a chance to take me on a date (the proper way). Of course I said yes. So we went on a proper date. We went on many more "proper dates" and got to know each other very well in the following months.
David later told me that after the first date he went back to the dorms and told everybody that he would someday marry me:)

Our first Easter Together. Only about a month after we agreed to start dating
What have we lost in the hustle and bustle of daily lives and being "used" to each other. I think that we are to content in what we know about each other. I love the line from the movie Fireproof that talks about the different levels of degrees we strive for in school and it flips it on relationships. I don't think that you can ever know everything about somebody. With my husband gone we have had to do a lot more talking online and it is a different type of talking than we normally do. It has been interesting to try and learn a new way to communicate with each other. Kinda feels like back in the days of dating when we were learning sooo much about each other.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Completing Him Challenge

I am going to attempt to keep up with this blog challenge this summer. You all are more than welcome to join me if you would like. Or you can just stop back by here to see how I am doing on it:

For those of you who are interested in joining me in the Completing Him Challenge here are the topics for each week.
June 7 - announce to your readers you are participating by posting the button on your site and leaving your link below. Optional: Embed the HTML from this video in your blog post!
June 14 – Post Pictures from your dating days (or tell us all about it!). Think about one thing you used to do or have as a couple that you have lost in the shuffle of life. How can you regain it?
June 21 - Remember Your Vows - post pictures of your wedding day. We will review the sacredness of this day.
June 28 - Ask your husband every morning how you can pray for him that day. Bonus: Fast and pray for him one day this week.
July 5 - Admire Your Husband. Write this post and then show it to him! He will smile!
July 12 - Make a list of 5 things you currently do and ask him to prioritize them for you of what is important to him. For example - a clean home, home cooked dinner, coupon clipping, service at church, having friends over for dinner, watching/doing sports with him, etc.
July 19 - Make him a priority. Ask him what his favorite dinner, dessert and drink are. Be sure to serve him all three one night this week. Bonus: cook his favorite dishes all week long!
July 26 - Support his vision. Discuss his vision for your family. Where does he see your family in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years. Share with us how you let your husband lead.
August 2 - R-E-S-P-E-C-T! No complaining, criticizing, rolling your eyes, nagging, or giving him any friction this week. Enjoy a week of peace in your home!
August 9 - Kiss Him Like You Mean It (and be sure the door is locked!)
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Before David I asked him a question about something which at the time seemed like it was an important decision to be made (I dont remember what now, so it probably wasnt all that important) He looked back at me and said you know I am leaving in a few days (for 10weeks) and you are going to have to make some of these decisions on your own (he has limited to no communication where he is at).
I am not the type to go running to somebody about every small daily decision (it would definitely drive David nuts if I did this with him! haha) but I do like to discuss stuff that I think is important to "us" or and our relationship (it would not be a relationship if we didnt make decisions together). It felt kind of weird to think that I was going to "be on my own again" for the most part. If it is a big enough decision he calls on the weekend and we discuss it but for the most part I have been taking care of stuff "on my own. "
Since he has been gone though I have had many people tell me how crazy I am that I didn't go with him or "I even let him go in the first place". Most of those people told me that they wouldn't be able to survive or do it.
So I asked David the other night if he thought that I was nuts or crazy or even a bad wife because I was surviving on my own (I was beginning to feel this way because of peoples reactions). He told me that was one of the things he likes about me he doesn't constantly have to worry about me and that I am surviving on my own. He knows that I miss him and that there are tough moments but he loves that when he calls that I am not just breaking down every 5 seconds, or emailing, texting, or leaving him voice mails 20times a day.
I came across this through a blog that I have begun reading. It follows right along the lines of this blog
It just helped to solidify in my mind that:
1)That biblically I am not being an awful wife
2) That my husband has confidence in me
3) Even though David has that confidence in me I can still rely on him "when a fire" breaks out and I am freaking out but that I also don't have to go to him to find out "what underwear I should wear that day" haha
Goose Bumps
Ever had one of those moments when just the right song comes on the radio while you are driving in the car? I have spent plenty of time in the car the past few weekends between going downstate to see David off for 10weeks of school and then the following weekend to see him do his presentation for his scholarship.
I was driving from Lansing over to David's parents house in Columbiaville,MI and I was listening to a christian radio station (because they actually have them down there). The song I can only imagine came on the radio now my first though when that song comes on is that it was a way over played song. As it keeps playing though it reminds me of the first time I got goose bumps listening to it. I was flying out to California for Christmas to see my parents and was on a 45 min flight from LA to a smaller airport close to where they lived. As we reached altitude that song popped up on my i pod and i was about to hit the next button but I just happened to look out the window and see the sun shinning across the clouds and I stopped and began to actually listen to the lyrics with this amazing view out my airplane window... I got goose bumps all over my body. Being above the clouds with the sun shining I couldn't stop thinking about how much more amazing it is going to be when we are able to be in God Presence some day. We think that things like that on earth are great...I can't wait to be in Heaven. This song is a perfect way to explain how I felt in that moment. Back to being downstate as I was driving last weekend from one point to the other this song came on and my first though was the usual this song is over played. As the lyrics started a huge thunderstorm hit (i love thunderstorms so I didn't mind) down pouring rain, huge pounding thunder and lightening in the distance. As the song played I once again listened to it and began to get the goose bumps again but this time it was at the thought of how powerful our God really is and once again this thunderstorm is only a small show of his power. Once again a the song perfectly portrayed my feelings.
Right now "We Can Only Imagine" what it will someday be like. But I love the "little glimpses" that don't even come close to showing Gods full power and glory but are small reminders to those of us here on earth.
I Can Only Imagine-Mercy me
I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side
I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in honour of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
When that day comes
When I find myself
Standing in the Son
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine
I can only imagine
I can only imagine [x2]
I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you
I can only imagine
I cant promise that it will be interesting or exciting. I have had a lot of free time on my hands with my husband being gone for 10weeks and have thought many times about starting a blog. The first few posts will just be a few things transferred here. Then I will move into more posts about why I am choosing now to start.